El abordaje anterior directo para la artroplastia total de cadera primaria reduce el riesgo de luxación en comparación con el abordaje posterior: la experiencia de una sola institución
Compared to primary THAs performed with the PA, DAA cases had a lower risk of dislocation, higher survivorship with dislocation as an endpoint, and a lower risk of revision for instability in this single institution cohort. @AAHKS_YAG https://t.co/NcGODXx94P pic.twitter.com/X7Qz3TGYW7 — The Journal of Arthroplasty (@JArthroplasty) March 7, 2022 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34774686/ https://www.arthroplastyjournal.org/article/S0883-5403(21)00846-9/fulltext Haynes JA, Hopper RH Jr, … Leer más